Developing Scientific Skills
The photos shown demonstrate children using their scientific skills of observing and measuring and recording in their learning whilst making links to the wider world around them.
Observing the Nature Around Us in Early Years
We have been encouraging the children to observe and comment on the natural world. We have been taking particular interest in the changing seasons and looking at the plants in our nature areas.
Everyday Materials and Their Uses in Year 1
Year 1 have been learning about everyday materials. They have been using their observation, classifying and grouping science skills to sort materials based on their properties. They then went on to look at the uses for each material.
Properties of Light in Year 3
Year 3 have been focusing on the topic of light. As part of their learning children used their science skills to carry out an investigation into shadows and exploring the transparency of materials. Children were encouraged to record their findings and gather their own data in tables to present their findings.
Year 5 Visiting the Observatory and Science Museum UKS2
Children went on a visit to The Observatory and the Science Museum to further their understanding of the topics of Space and focus which they had been learning about. Children were able to deepen their knowledge by attending science shows and demonstrations.