Exciting Science!
The photographs celebrate how we make science engaging and interesting for all our students by providing for them lots of first hand and practical opportunities to explore a topic. We have found that our practical activities really support the development of scientific enquiry skills and love for the subject.
Exploring Ice in Reception
In Reception, children have been exploring ice that they found in their outdoor area. The children used their senses to investigate what the ice felt and looked like first. Following this they decided to investigate what would happen to the ice if it were put in different environments. They predicted that it would melt and change back to water but wanted to see in which of their chosen environments this would happen the fastest. They chose to put the ice in a bucket with warm water; in a tuff tray on its own; and ice in a tuff tray with some cold water and also mixing it with sticks to see if that sped up the melting process.
Living Things in Year 2
In Year 2 the children have been learning about Living Things as their science topic. As part of this they have had to develop understanding around classifying whether an object is alive, dead or has never been alive. The practical activity in the picture is of sorting a range of objects into the correct column/group. This activity helped facilitate discussion and address any misconceptions.
Exploring Sound in Year 4
Year 4 the children have been developing their understanding of what sound is. They explored a carousel of activities to see how sound is caused by vibrations travelling through a medium such as air. Here the children understood that the vibration of the tuning fork caused the air molecules around it to vibrate, travelling in all directions including towards the ping pong ball, that bounced as a result of these vibrations.
Learning about Light in Year 6
In Year 6 the children have been investigating how light travels. The children used torches and different objects to see what would happen. The children found out how light travels in a straight line.