Place Value in Maths
The pictures show our incredible understanding of place value. Children move from early concepts of the cardinality of number, which they then use to order numbers. This leads to them understanding the value of 2 and 3 digit numbers, which provides the foundation for renaming and supports other developments of the four operations.
Careful Counting in Reception
Reception children have been learning about careful counting and the rule of cardinality. In this picture, the children rolled a dice and then practised how to count out the same number of ice cream scoops and/or pizza toppings.
Number Partitioning and Composition in Year 2
The Year 2 children have deepened their understanding of place value by partitioning numbers. They began by traditionally partitioning the numbers into 10s and 1s. Then they found other ways of partitioning the numbers, showing their deepening understanding of the composition of numbers.
Number-Lines and Large Numbers in year 4
The Year 4 children demonstrate their understanding of place value by estimating a number to 10 000 on a number line. They identified the difference between the start and end number and halved it to mark the half-way point. They then looked at the intervals and used this to help them mark the point where the identified number would be placed.
Decimal Place Values, and Reasoning, in Year 6
The Year 6 children looked at the place value of decimals. They began by partitioning the decimals, then compared and ordered decimals. They extended their learning by answering reasoning questions related to place value of the decimals.