Coding Skills in Computing
These photos show the development of coding skills across year groups, progressing from giving simple sequential instructions to introducing loops.
Robot Construction in Nursery
In Nursery, a child makes use of construction resources to build a robot: “Look teacher, look! A robot.” Through play, they are exploring the idea that we can build machines that follow instructions.
Telling Stories with ScratchJr in Year 1
Year 1 have been learning how to tell stories using Scratch Jr. Here the child has been able to code two different sprites at the same time. They have added code to the different sprites to make them move and interact together when the person controlling the game starts.
Coding LEGO WeDo in Year 4
Year 4 have been learning how to write code to control LEGO WeDo models. In this photo, the child has designed some code so that upon go, instructions are sent to the car to make it the motor move and sound effects of a car are produced. They have also used a loop function in here to repeat parts of the coding.
Loops and Variables with Swift Playgrounds
Year 6 have been learning about ‘for loops’ and ‘variables’ in Computing using the app Swift Playgrounds. In this example, the child has been able to solve the problem using a loop function that means the code is repeated four times to make their coding much more efficient and to allow the coder to complete the instructions using much less code than they would previously been able to do.