Place Value in Maths
The pictures show our incredible understanding of place value. Children move from early concepts of the cardinality of number, which they then use to order numbers. This leads to them understanding the value of 2 and 3 digit numbers, which provides the foundation for renaming and supports other developments of the four operations.
Counting Sets of Objects in Nursery
These nursery children are saying one number for each item in order and know that the last number reached when counting a small set of objects tell you how many there are in total.
Solving Problems in Year 1
This Year 1 child has deepened their understanding of the order of numbers by solving a problem. They looked for patterns and identified where the alien had gone wrong! The child could then verbally justify their answer using the language of one more or less to explain their understanding.
Column Method in Year 3
This Year 3 child has demonstrated their understanding of place value by using the column method to add 2 and 3 digit numbers. They have added each column independently and, where the total of the tens column was more than ten tens, renamed their tens as hundreds and tens.
Place Value with Rounding in Year 5
This Year 5 child has demonstrated his understanding of place value through rounding, successfully identifying the multiple of 10,000 which sits before and after the given number, and the mid-point. The use of the number line has reinforced understanding of the concept and purpose of rounding. From the positioning of numbers on this line, we can also see that this child has developed a good sense of proportion.