Conduct and Responsibility
In PSHE we are aiming to teach children how to become responsible children as they move up through school and to prepare them for adult life.
Caring for Our Spaces - Reception
In Reception the children are learning that their environment is their responsibility. They are taught, supported and encouraged to tidy up and help to look after their classroom and outdoor area. Photos in the area help them to see how to tidy it up and what it should look like. The impact of this is that the children will learn to be responsible in their environments.
Becoming More Responsible - Year 1
Year 1 discussed what it means to be responsibility. The children learned what they can do in Year 1 to be more responsible at school. In this lesson, the children focused on being responsible for our things, e.g. our bookbag, pencil, PE kit etc. They created a poster in order to help the children to remember what they can do to stay organised. The impact of this lesson was the children can be reminded of this and to be more responsible with their belongings.
Who Keeps Everyone Safe? - Year 3
In Year 3 the children discussed whose responsibility it is to stay safe at school. It is not only the adults who work at school but it is also the children's responsibility. They looked at scenarios and discussed what to do in these situations and wrote them on a whiteboard. The impact of this is that when these situations arise children will have a better understanding of what to do to show responsibility.
Conduct in Our Greater Community - Year 5
In Year 5 the children discussed how to be responsible in the outer community. The children created a community pledge which they will adhere to when they are out in the community. The impact of this is that the children will understand their responsibilities in the community and be a better member of society.