SEND Provision
The photographs celebrate our strong progress in developing the effectiveness of our Nest provision, including its outreach work. This provision runs parallel to quality first teaching in the classroom and supports pupils to reach their potential both within the Nest and their classrooms. The thread is how the children’s social and communication skills are supported through the Nest provision.
PECS in Early Years
Here is a non-verbal child in Early years, who has begun using PECS as a mode of communication and is successfully exchanging symbols for motivating items.
Attention Autism Sessions in KS1
In the Nest provision, a group of KS1 children are engaging in an Attention Autism session, which supports their ability to attend to an activity for an extended period of time in a social setting.
Communication in Lower Key Stage 2
This is a child with ASD, clearly communicating a choice of a song he would like the group to participate in during their music and movement session.
Word UP in Year 6
Here is a Year 6 child successfully engaging in a programme called ‘The WORD UP Approach’- a whole word reading and language development programme, particularly suited to children who are visual learners.