Anti Bullying
The topic that we have evidenced is ‘Anti Bullying’. The children learned what bullying is and is not. When banter crosses the line into bullying and what to do when one sees or experiences bullying.
“Sharing is Caring” in Nursery
In Nursery the children are learning to share and access the resources independently. We help them form friendships by encouraging them to develop their play and turn taking skills.
Bullying Awareness in Year 1
In Year 1 we discussed what it means to be bullied. We looked at examples of what is bullying and what is not bullying. We then created our own version of the 5 ways to deal with bullying poster.
“Make A Noise About Bullying” in Year 3
In Year 3, children discussed the importance of working together to 'Make A Noise About Bullying' and consider who we can speak to if we witness incidents of bullying. Children then worked together in pairs and groups to create a poster or poem encouraging the reader to speak up.
Speaking Up and Being Supportive in Year 5
In Year 5, children discussed the importance of speaking up and being supportive of each other. This could be with an adult, parent, classmates or other children or adults they are comfortable with. They then created a rap that they sang and performed together.