Number and place value in Maths
Below are some examples of the development of number and place value understanding across the school.
Nursery Daily Routines
This nursery child is demonstrating use of number in his daily routine and showing early learning about the value of numbers. The class has counted how many children are present. He is pointing to a numicon number line and has noticed that 14 is a larger number than 4. He has also spotted that the 4 in 14 holds the same shape as in number 4 so is beginning to see patterns and make connections.
Year 1 Cardinal Value
This Year 1 child is learning about the cardinal value of number. She has demonstrated her understanding of this using blocks, correctly matching the cardinal value to the number of blocks. She subsequently ordered the numbers and was able to describe their position using some ordinal language.
Year 3 Place Value
This Year 3 child is furthering his learning that the value of digits in a given number is determined by its place. Here we see the use of cherry diagrams representing the different values which combine to make the number. This then moves to identifying ‘missing’ values in equations. The learning shown is the result of carefully planned activities in which the children use place value counters to represent numbers and partition them according to their value.
Year 5 Rounding
This Year 5 child has demonstrated his understanding of place value through rounding, successfully identifying the multiple of 10,000 which sits before and after the given number, and the mid-point. The use of the number line has reinforced understanding of the concept and purpose of rounding. From the positioning of numbers on this line, we can also see that this child has developed a good sense of proportion.