Healthy Vocabularies
This term we would like to share how vocabulary has been embedded within both the reflections in PSHCE as well as the tasks children have completed. This then leads to children understanding how to communicate with others confidently showing progression throughout each year groups.
Types of Foods with Early Years
In Early Years, vocabulary with regards to healthy body and healthy mind is discussed through role play and snack time. At snack time, children discuss favourite foods and what is ‘good’ and ‘bad’. They are able to recognise the differences between snacks and meals, healthy and unhealthy using the correct vocabulary. This then feeds into play where they are able to create their own meals. Here a child has made a healthy pizza with cheese, mushrooms, tomatoes and peppers!
Identifying Unhealthy Foods with Year 2
In Year 2, they explore what healthy and unhealthy is. They look at what eating healthy means and how they feel. They begin to use the correct vocabulary to describe the differences between food that is bad for you and food that is good for you as well as beginning to explore why using vocabulary taught in the lesson.
Describing Healthy Foods with Year 4
In Year 4, children understand what a healthy diet is. They understand the vocabulary for the main food groups as well as understanding that we need a balanced diet and have treats in moderation or for special occasions. They are able to give a detailed answer and show their understanding of what a balanced meal is and use vocabulary to do this clearly.
Healthy Minds with Year 6
In Year 6, they are learning about healthy minds and bodies. In the lesson, they learnt about the benefits of eating healthily for example, how it can make you feel more energised as well as keep our minds healthy too. Children build on what they have learnt in Year 4 and are able to give advice to different scenarios showing they understand the vocabulary that has been taught in the lesson and applying it to show their understanding.