Learning Languages
We have continued to encourage teachers to embed French into their everyday teaching. For example many teachers include the French dates on their whiteboards, daily greetings and responses during the register. This is a great way for the children to not only hear French and its pronunciation, but also to see how words are spelt.
Learning through play in Year 4
This is an example of learning in Year 4. After learning key vocabulary the for face and body parts, this child was able to sing the song, ‘head, shoulders, knees and toes’ along with actions. They were also able to follow / lead a game of ‘Simon Says’ in French using the learnt physical attributes.
Descriptive Language in Year 6
This child in Year 6 could describe superhero physical attributes and personalities. This lesson involved roleplay, in which they had to take on the role of superheroes and verbally say their attributes. The children could build upon their body parts, colours, and masculine/feminine French vocabulary and introduce new language, such as emotions and characteristics.