Computational Thinking
Here are some photos of how children are developing in their understanding and confidence in computation thinking. This is a core part of the Computing curriculum, with children learning how to create and debug algorithms.
Code-a-Pillar in Nursery
In Nursery, children had the opportunity to try out a ‘Code-a-Pillar’, which allows children to connect together a sequence of instruction blocks that are then executed one by one. The children really loved seeing how they could make it move!
Scratch Jr in Year 1
Year 1 have been learning how to tell stories using Scratch Jr. Here the child has been able to tell a simple story involving an alien and a spaceman. They have added code to the different sprites to make them move and interact.
LEGO WeDo in Year 4
Year 4 have been learning how to write code to control LEGO WeDo models. In this photo, the child has designed some code so that a tilt-sensor joystick can make a racing car move. They have annotated the image in Showbie with what each block in the code does.
Swift Playgrounds in Year 6
Year 6 have been learning about ‘for loops’ and ‘variables’ in Computing using the app Swift Playgrounds. In this example, the child has been able to solve the problem using elegantly simple code and has been able to reflect on the process and thinking of how they arrived at their solution.