Analysing Artists
This showcases the outcomes of the art units across the school. These final pieces have come as a result of exploration and analysis of the artist, practicing skills in style of the artist and composition of the final outcomes. There has been a school focus on questioning children’s understanding and interpretation of artworks to help them create these masterpieces!
Painting in Reception
In Reception, the children have been exploring painting that is linked to their core books. Here are some examples of the painting skills to create artwork about the book ‘We’re going on a bear hunt.’ The children choose different sized paintbrushes, hold the paintbrush properly and experiment with mixing colours.
Van Gogh in Year 1
In Year 1 children explored the artwork of Vincent Van Gogh. Their pieces are inspired by the painting Starry Night. Children chose their favourite London landmarks to put in the foreground and mixed the colours from the original painting to light up their landmarks. Here are examples of the London Eye, Tower Bridge and Big Ben.
Film Posters in Year 4
In Year 4, pupils created their final outcomes to represent film posters created in the style of Saul Bass. They practiced using block colours cut out in recognisable shapes to stick onto their posters. Here you can see the Lion King poster being recreated.
Georgia o’ Keefe in Year 5
In Year 5, pupils have been inspired by the work of artist Georgia o’ Keefe. They studied her abstract style of painting and used colours, shapes and brush marks in unexpected ways to express meaning in their final paintings. This art unit links to their Geography learning about Biomes.